Giiiirl!! Moesha has been someone I've been wanting to see live since Trouble TV! I literally grew up on her music. She is my home-girl (in my head).
Who remembers Trouble TV? Sister Sister, Smart Guy, Saved By The Bell, One on One, Keanan and Kell, The Parkers, In the House and of course MOESHA!!
Moesha was my all time fav! I would re-watch episodes I had already seen and still go on You-Tube to this day to re-watch episodes hehe don't judge me! TV was innocent and cool back then.
Watching Brandy in sitcoms and movies I continued to follow her journey and became a fan, her voice is flawless! So knowing she was going to be down the road in concert here in Birmingham, I was NOT about to miss out. I almost did though... let me tell you.
My best friend Shanelle set up the hook up! She tagged me in a post on Facebook in the hopes we would win a competition to meet Brandy. As soon as I noticed the tag, I emailed Musicalize (the event organisers) and followed through with the instructions in order to win! I was unsuccessful, HOWEVER they kindly allowed for me and my friends to collect free tickets yassssss! I also saw that my girl Sasha was giving away free tickets too, so I was like 'girrrrl, send those my way please'. I wanted all my friends to be there! It ended up just being Shanelle and I, but I wouldn't have had it any other way!
Outfit Detail
I wanted to 100% be comfortable knowing that I had every intention of being all up in the front singing every word to ''Sitting up in my room...I wana be down and Almost doesn't count.'' So I opted for a simple white tee, high-waist rider pants and an oversized leather jacket.
LEATHER JACKET- Cow Birmingham (vintage)
TOP- Wallis
JEANS- American Apparel
BOOTS- United Footwear
LIPSTICK- Mac (Dangerous)
I initially was not going to film her, as I really wanted to be in the moment and just enjoy myself, but it's always nice to have memories and look back at them so here you are... a snippet of the night! :)
p.s She literally sounds just as flawless live, but the bass was booming so I inserted her recordings in areas!
STYLE TIP- Start ticking things off your bucket list!! Stay ready , so you don't have to get ready!
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