What a time!!! Can you even believe the foolishness that is occurring right now? It's the most unsettling space to be in.
I'm usually not one to be so affected by the news, I tend to stray away from watching it to be honest. Of course I understand the importance of knowing what is happening in our world, however it can be such a constant flow of negativity a lot of the time. But THIS, THIS!! This takes the cake ! The entire world is infested.
The fact that we're being quarantined is beyond me! I really don't like feeling limited.
I'm an ambivert so naturally I am pretty okay with being home alone and often I do tend to isolate myself, however this feels so restricting. Isn't crazy how when you're told you can't do something, you suddenly want to do it?! Or is that just the rebellion my mama tried to beat out of me haha.
Anyways, it's very important that we're responsible regardless of how uncomfortable we may feel. We must think outside of ourselves as well as protecting ourselves. This contagious virus is unfortunately a matter of life or death (in most cases) and our elderly are the most vulnerable. Continue to be careful, wash your hands thoroughly and often and keep ya distance! Stay home.
Hopefully this isn't for a long period of time, although we are being told otherwise.

What have you dived into now that you have the chance? There's plenty of books to be read, knowledge to gain, wisdom to soak in...
There's also the option to look at yourself and make things right internally... is there anyone you could make amends with? (over the phone of course lol)
Since this has all come about, I've found the time to reach out so lightly and slightly to old acquaintances. You know, to see if the spark is still fizzling towards a growing friendship and to my surprise, it's highlighted that these people are as dry as the Sahara desert. If you know me, you know that as much time as we have, I don't have time. Bye babe!
The social media energy is a little heavy too. There are mixed emotions (as there should be). Some are living life like it's golden and trying to stay positive, others are taking hold of their entrepreneurial spirit and then there's the rest of us that are really relaxing, drinking wine, binge watching on Netflix.
I've tried to do all of these things, but I'm very uncomfortable. Maybe because I'm big on physical touch and it's been taken away from me so severely lol. Ya girl needs a hug.
I visited a church last week (that I was incredibly late for *rolls eyes*) and one of the ushers shook my hand to greet me, then snatched herself away mid greeting. I was horrified lol. I knew why of course... she innocently forgot our responsibility to keep our distance, but I couldn't help but feel like an alien. This is 2020!! Good gawd!
Don't forget the importance of self isolating.
The Coronavirus is an illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's easily spread through direct contact with a person who is infected. It's as simple as touching surfaces that have been contaminated from a cough or
sneeze. The initial symptoms are a high temperature, fatigue and continuous cough.
Remember to wash your hands often, and just be right on top of your hygiene!
Style Tip- You can look cute at home! Dress up, but stay in doors!
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