So I don't Know If Some Of You Know, But I'm A Woman Of Faith And I Try To Live By The Good Book (The Bible) But YO I'm Tirrrred!
Earring- Zara
Top- Zara
Jacket- Charity Shop |
Having Jesus as your role model is no joke. To be gracious and kind and patient PATIENT, peaceful, giving, ... its a lot!
I've been working in fields of work where serving has been my main responsibility and since moving to London I've become a Personal Assistant, Stylist Assistant, Carer, the works and all these roles have required me to serve! I believe it's VERY important that we give our time, our warmth, our knowledge... how else would we develop and learn and grow? Our character is truly stretched.
Honey I'm tired! It's very exhausting having be kind to people we deem to be undeserving, it's very taxing having to 'turn the other cheek' when really you want to fly kick someone in their neck! How on earth did Jesus do it???
I must admit, working in these particular fields 100% has forced me to be a better person. I've suffered quite a bit lol but I've been fortunate enough to have friends to talk me round. I will give you an example..
There was a very established stylist I interned for and I'll never forget this particular situation because I felt so disrespected!
FYI, I'm BIG on respect. As soon as I feel disrespected by you, you are erased from my memory.
So I had been assisting this young man for a while and enjoyed working along side him and his first assistant as they were easy going, down to earth and hardworking.
I had noticed that I'd become the only assistant preferred, when he was in prep for a shoot. His PA would regularly reach out to find out if I was available. I was never given specific details, just asked if I could keep certain days/dates free. I made myself available every time with no hesitation because I believed I was gaining the experience and knowledge I needed by serving him.
There were a few times I was told the day of a shoot, that I was no longer needed. I of course found this highly annoying, so going forward I didn't make myself as available.
I had been booked for personal shoot (one particular week) around the time this Stylist wanted my assistance and I had communicated that I would only be available 2 out of the 3 days he needed me.
Homeboy through a hissy fit, probably due to his own stresses in preparing for this project, but he had the nerve to question my commitment and work ethic. I was so ticked off! I had never let him down, and this was actually the only time I was unavailable. Bearing in mind I would at times do 12+ hour days for nothing, nada, zinch! No bueno! Not only was I offended that he had questioned my work ethic, the way in which he had communicated his frustration was very condescending. I let it slide...
The night before the shoot, he reached out to see if I could arrive to his place early rather than meeting at the shoot location. Now instead of just letting me know the call time had changed and he would need my assistance a lot earlier, he asked me if I could be at his for 8am. I responded by answering his question with 'I can arrive at 9.30am'. He again gave a condescending response that made me feel so small, so I decided to bow out! I thought nope, don't need this, not doing it, peace tf out!
I called my mom to vent because I was fuming!!!! I thought, after all I've done for him.. I worked well, I never complained, I did thee most, I showed up early, I left late, I did more than what my job required, for NOTHING!!! Yea, I understand that's partially what I signed up for, but I thought the least I could get in return, is some appreciation! Some respect!
My mom being the wise woman she is, asked me
'why are you putting terms on your service?' She convinced me that regardless of how I've been treated, my service shouldn't change, my attitude shouldn't change and my heart shouldn't change! I thought 'for goodness sake!!' But she was right.
My friend Yaz told me the exact same thing! She said '
you're showing a sense of entitlement'. I was like WHAAAAT?! ME? ENTITLED? NEVER!
Because I kept reiterating the point that 'I never ask for anything but respect' it was pointed out that, that was pride, THAT was the entitlement.
I was told that all that I am to do, should be done WELL regardless. I shouldn't feel like my service deserves recognition. My level of service should remain the same at all costs. THIS was harrrd for me to learn and still is.
Long story short, I checked my heart at the door and decided regardless of how crap he had made me feel, I was going to honor my word and assist him WELL. I arrived at his place 8am to load all the clothes into the Addison Lee. I unloaded the van once I reached the shoot location, proceeded to un-bag garments, shoes, accessories etc and laid them out ready for him to select and style. There was an overwhelming amount of pieces!
I made notes of everything the models wore, so that his credits only needed to be typed up once the final images were selected. I organised the clothes in order of PR so that returning the garments would be seamless. After a long day of shooting, I stayed to load the clothes back in the van and then traveled to his place, to unload everything in his home. I got back to mine at 2am. This was an unpaid job. I was interning with the agreement that my travel would be reimbursed and my dietry requirements would be seen to.
The stylist was so so appreciative of my service this day, he paid me a silly amount of money. I was shocked!
Trousers- Pull & Bear Boots- Zara |
Acts of service should always be done from the heart. We should want to provide the very best regardless of what we get in return but we naturally and subconsciously are focused on what we will gain. We definitely should be in tune with how we benefit from a situation, however I believe it's important to serve from a place of true generosity. How??????
I personally have to continuously ask God to give me the tools to give my time, my love, my abilities in the purest way, cause I don't believe I'm capable without him. I've made a conscious decision to do so numerous times, but I only succeed consistently, WITH God. He is the definition of all things good!
You can see from the experience I've shared, how a change of heart allowed me to gain financially. My focus was no longer on being seen and acknowledged for my abilities. God saw my heart and ensured I benefited from such a long ass day lol.
It's all a choice at the end of the day! Choose to put your heart and soul into people! You're sowing a beautiful seed whether you realise it or not.
This post literally was a rant, however I do hope this challenges you to regularly check your heart. Like the good book says 'Out of the heart flows living water' - John 7.38
Style Tip- Check your heart at the door the same way you check to look presentable!