Saturday, 26 September 2020

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Hi my loves, I hope you're all well? How are we feeling, how are we coping?  

Glasses- H&M
Top- H&M
Trousers- H&M

I look back ahow 2019 ended with so much hope, determination, readiness for 2020, KNOWING this would be a year of adventure, change and welcomed challenges... yea *side eye*

Chile, I've really been hanging in there. This is definitely NOT how I envisioned 2020 to be!
We're past the half way point nearing the end of this year and I really don't know if I'm coming or going lol. I've felt incredibly heavy by what has overwhelmed us globally and it has taken me a while to process figuring out how it's all affected me. I've tried to break coping mechanisms that shut me down by replacing them with methods that build me up mentally and emotionally and then just when I feel recharged enough to face the severity of one matter, we're hit with even more global trauma. 
Black people have endured way too much cultural devastation over such a short amount of time,  having to revisit oppression.
Covid-19 is the plague we didn't see coming. The amount of lives lost is WILD, truly heartbreaking. We've been banished to our rooms and told social distancing is our new normal. I don't ever want socialising to be distant, I don't think that is normal. With the economy opening up to the public, those safety measures are still very much in place, but it seems as though we might be back in detention. I'm awaiting the day things do feel normal (as if they ever will) but hey...

  'When life gives ya lemons, ya make lemonade' 

Glasses- H&M
Tracksuit- Fiorucci
Trainers- Vans

Without having a delusional outlook by over doing the optimism, I wanted to ensure there was going to be a great deal of good still to come from this year. I had things on my personal development list, to be ticked off and I'm pleased to say I've gained growth spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially.


Part of my peace has been cradled in my moms scriptural quotes and prayers, but I quickly learnt that I shouldn't be dependent on her to centre myself. It's important to have community and accountability, but it's just as important to be your own life coach.  I had to actively begin to do the work within myself. 

I've always maintained a relationship with God, but when tested I tend to reach out to the nearest form of comfort and stillness, which is my mom. Instead I made a conscious effort to go to God first and not last. I decided to instantly pray and talk to God whenever I was feeling anxious, frustrated, worried. I needed something more powerful than I could fathom, to put my constant trust in, especially knowing that people will unfortunately always fail me. Not because they want to, but because they are incapable of being what you need when you need it EVERY time. However, God is perfect! Going to Him has most definitely strengthened my inner man. 

Jeremiah 17: 5-8

5 This is what the Lord says: ''Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. 6 They are like shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future... 7 Blessed are those that trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.''

Making it a consistent habit to thank God the moment my eyes awake, handing over my day into His care so that I can be used to love whoever I come into contact with and not give into my petty ways. I also developed the habit to sit with myself and take care of my thoughts, feelings and actions.


Taking care of my body has always been a no-brainer due to the fact that I love being active and feeling strong. I made a very dominant choice in ensuring that I would not gain weight over the last 6 months unhealthily, by divulging in comfort foods. I signed up and subscribed to an incredible online trainer who has whipped me into shape 6 days a week for 6 months. And I can proudly say I've been 100% consistent. It has released so many endorphins within each hourly session per day, and completely affects my head-space positively on the days I felt mentally clogged up. Any form of exercise or physical activity can have a profound positive impact on ones mental health. It is quite the stress reliever.

Emotionally I've given into all of my feels. I've allowed myself to connect with whatever feeling I'm connected to at whatever time, to ensure I've released it. Holding it all in does nothing positive, in fact it does more damage than good. I never knew until given this down time, how much I talk myself into 'keeping it together'. It's been such a beautiful thing to completely let go. 

Proactively making time to still enjoy myself has also been more a priority, especially given the current circumstance. I celebrated my best friends birthday in Kent. It was a surprise getaway to the sunny seaside of Margate lol. We had THE best time. I guess because we're such simple beings and love an adventure, it wouldn't have mattered where we were, we were going to have a blast. Amidst the trauma of 2020 the little things make all the difference in continuing to push through in feeling on top.

Headscarf- Zara
Brown Bodysuit- Zara
Trousers- Zara
Swimsuit- Zara
Glasses- Loewe

Sometimes it takes for things to be shaken up in our bubble, in order for us to be still. Having this time to deliberately work on myself has been very challenging but so satisfying. It still is a challenge and I'm fighting to be become the best version of myself. I'd hate to miss out on purposeful events that are ordained specifically for me, just because I failed to do the ground work, so I'm taking this all on the chin! The good, the bad and the ugly!

STYLE TIP- Embrace each season with a timeless piece (faith). 


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