Tuesday, 18 February 2020


So I've been wanting to get in shape for the longest! I've always been an active person who loves sports.
Growing up with 2 older brothers, I became naturally super competitive and a bit of a tomboy. Now that I'm 31 my metabolism is trying me! My body is acting like I'm not AS capable at being strong and sexy. I'm about to prove her wrong!
I will say, I like and enjoy my body AS IS! My shape is curvy, thick, playful and I believe it's important to love our bodies at every stage! However, I want tone and muscle definition, so lets get it!

I've decided to commit wholeheartedly to working out consistently and eating better. This MUST be a lifestyle change for me personally in order for things to stick, which is why I'm being realistic about my process.
I loooooove cake, I have the biggest sweet tooth and anything carby gets me excited. It's best that I go cold turkey and cut out COMPLETELY some foods that will work against this journey. Sugar NO, juice NO, bread NO, cheese NO, and rice HELL NO (I have no self control with these foods).

I've been consistently eating the same dry food for a while. I'd like to switch it up and get more creative in the kitchen, but to be honest, I don't know if I have that kind of energy. I do realise the importance of meal prep though. It definitely prevents me from grabbing rubbish (Doritos, M&Ms)  when I'm hungry. For that reason and that reason only, I've stuck to the following meals daily.

  • Breakfast- Oats porridge with honey and a banana or 2 boiled eggs and a cup of green/peppermint tea
  • Lunch- A bowl of fruit or a tuna/chicken salad (homemade). I make a mean salad!!!! Sometimes I'll just have a smoothie/protein shake.
  • Dinner- FishChicken with vegetables or sweet potato. 
  • Snacks- Cashew nuts or fruit.

I recently watched a short doc on Netflix called 'The Game Changers' and it really opened up my eyes to how plant based foods have been a complete game changer in the health and fitness world. I tend to eat a lot of meat and prefer red meat to white meat, however watching The Game Changers has given me a complete new outlook on what I should put into my body.

I'm holding myself accountable by blogging my process!  Join me!

My session
I tend not to do too much cardio, as I drop weight very quickly. I'll be focusing on workouts to help burn fat and gain muscle. I'd like to share what I'll be eating too, as I know that abs (in specific) are made in the kitchen. This is my process to achieving an improved version of myself, I'm not a guru so feel free to give me tips and tricks! I need all the help I can get.

Take a look at how my leg/bootay session went down.

Weighted Squats- 20 reps x3 rounds
Weighted Lunges- 10-15 reps x3 rounds
Kettle Bell Swings (Squats)- 15 reps x3 rounds
Squat Jumps- 20 reps x3 rounds
Donkey Kicks- 20 reps x2 rounds
Rainbow Kicks- 15 reps x2 rounds
Calf Press- 30 + reps
Hip Abduction- 30+ reps
Hamstring curls- 20+ reps

Weighted crunches- 20 reps x3 rounds
Reverse crunches- 20 reps x3 rounds
Bum lifts to plank- 15 reps x3 rounds

Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see more content from me! I'll be posting weekly thangs there too!

Fit Tip- Keep pushing until the mission is complete!


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