Sunday, 9 July 2017


Anne's thoughts...

Hey lovelies!! I hope all my fellow bloggers, readers and supporters are doing well?!

I haven't blogged in a hot minute and to be honest I haven't felt motivated to do so. Like any creative, your environment, experiences and conversations help stimulate and inspire your work; but honey the struggle has been sooo real.
I'm finally back to feeling like me, wanting to share a few of my thoughts here on the blog, hoping y'all can relate and draw something from this :)
Where do I start...


Whether you're lovers, friends or family there are certain qualities needed to sustain healthy relationshipS. If you're anything like me and you value the people you choose to share your life with, the commitment to try and consider their feelings is detrimental.
A relationship should be built on trust. 
A relationship needs love.
A relationship needs accountability.
A relationship requires the ability to understand.
A relationship needs patience, honesty, reliability, support and commitment...alla dat!!

Its a little more difficult to apply these qualities in the heat of the moment of an argument or after you've been hurt and mistreated, however if the relationship is important to you, you'll find a way to reconcile without intentionally damaging the other person(s) heart.

Not everyone thinks the same, makes the same choices or even have the same morals. This is where patience and understanding is very important when communicating your point of view.  
As you mature, you decide what is important, who is important and what is worth your time and energy. 

Upon reflection, I have realised that I have put a lot of energy into dead relationships. I have out grown friendships, moved on from romantic situations and distanced myself from relatives that aren't on the same wave length. I have come to the conclusion that its actually OK!! Sometimes the people you want as part of your story are only meant to be a chapter!
With that being said, it is just as important that you pay attention to the developing relationships built in the work place. Not everyone will be for you!


Rome wasn't built in a day.
I can be super critical of myself because of the desire I have to be successful. We sometimes measure success by status, finances or accolades, but what does success mean to you?
Success (for me) is gratification, satisfaction, progression, laughter, love... I know that over time I will have all these things in their completion, however in the process of getting to that balance, God is allowing for me to go through situations to build my character and preparing me for what lies ahead. 
I fortunately and reluctantly have worked in many fields outside of my chosen career. I will definitely say all those jobs, working relationships and lessons learnt have catered to how I will be as a business woman. I'm still learning not to rush the process (as the clock keeps ticking and I turn 30 in a couple of years gaaaaahhh). 
Continuing to exercise patience with myself... being open to what I NEED to learn and conquer in order to be the best I can possibly be as a career woman.
I read an article by Pepper Your Talk (<<click this link) finding it very encouraging. There are stepping stones, leaps of faith, sacrifices, failed attempts... but what will remain is the lessons learnt in order to push you further to your accomplishments.


We do not have full control over the timing
of how things pan out in our lives, and I honestly do believe that everything happens at the right time for the right reasons... nothing is by accident. With that being said, in order to really live, failing to prepare is preparing you to fail. We all say Beyonce has the same 24 hours in a day as we do lol (although she has a massive team of people to assist her in being the awesome performer she  is) however, I'm sure she started exactly where you and I are right now; using her time wisely. Whilst you are waiting for that amazing opportunity or big break, STAY READY! Do all the work needed to keep you clued up in your field and then TRUST THE TIMING!!! It's probably the most annoying statement, but I'm living it and feeling pumped about whats around the corner, down the street and across the road :). Knowing that whats yours is TRULY YOURS helps this process also!

Anyway my loves, this was a therapeutic post for me, a chance to allow my thoughts to type themselves out. I hope you grabbed something of substance form this read... please do excuse the lack of grammar and punctuality haha 

STYLE TIP- Be ready for your break... keep your circle small, dream(s) big and accomplishments bigger! 


Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Hey Lovelies, back with a new post!!

Over the last couple months the reoccurring message I find myself coming across is what we choose to do with fear and faith. 
This post was actually prompted by a message my pastor spoke on quite recently and it all ties into my where my thoughts have been, so I'm here to share :)


This definition is very self explanatory but somehow we fail to tap into the where faith stems from... hope! Without hope is it possible to believe? Without belief, is it possible for you to have faith? 
My faith is rooted in my relationship with God. I find that not only praying to a being that I have not seen with my own eyes or felt with my bare hands, brings about a strong sense of hope that regardless he hears me when I pray and answers my call. Now I'm not trying to get all religious on y'all :) however it's how I best describe the unknown... because essentially that IS what faith is '...the evidence of things unseen'. 
Believing in something that has not yet happened or even seems possible, brings about a conviction that it CAN and WILL happen.  That decision transpires through your activity.You begin to work towards those hopes/dreams and prepare with expectancy.  Although it may not happen right away, it usually does happen when it's meant to happen. I say all of this to say we have all been put on this earth for a purpose, knowing what your purpose is, is another story haha, however it is important that we don't lose sight of that... your faith in your purpose should never waver.
Our day to day activities, encounters etc a lot of the time throw us off course, which can weaken us on the journey to our destiny. Fear is a big part of that. With fear comes doubt, intimidation, anxiety...


The thoughts that tend to consume our minds when we are going for that life changing interview or the decision to ask the love of our lives to marry us... is all in our head. We almost talk ourselves down and let the negativity, the 'what ifs' seep in and damage the potential to be walking into something great. 

There is a saying that I try to live by 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. It truly is the best way to overcome those thoughts in your head because that is where fear tries to grip you... your mind. I find that it is a 'mind over matter' type matter.   To combat these thoughts, your faith must be at an all time high! If you can be brave enough to take that 1st step, I can almost guarantee you the rest of the way won't be as intimidating... its making that very 1st move that sometimes requires the most strength, confidence and vigour. With that being said, don't let yourself get in the way of what's out there waiting for you.

Just like fashion, life repeats itself. Sometimes you have to learn the same lesson(s) before you can move onto the next stage of your life. My dear friend Tim reminds throughout a lot of reoccurring instances, that my character is being built. In order for things to be different and things to change for the best, we have mini tests that need to be passed! These tests need that 10/10 past rate... ain't no 6/10 bih! Just like a great outfit, you can't wear it twice unless you switch it up! Fashion fades and style is eternal... if you want to be laced in style (individual, authentic, fearless) you can't be fading with fear and repeating outfits, there is more to us!

STYLE TIP- Fear is a fashion don't... choose Faith as your staple piece!
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